Welcome to The Little Kitchenaire, the ultimate destination for Ethiopian culinary exploration.

I’m Zahara Admasu, your guide on this delectable journey through the vibrant and diverse world of Ethiopian cuisine.

I’ve immersed myself in the art of Ethiopian cooking fueled by an insatiable passion for discovering the rich tapestry of flavors that this culinary fusion offers. 

My journey started in my mama’s kitchen I bet you think it was as a kid. Nah! it was a little later. I grew up in a community that was a little too keen on gender roles and I like defying norms so I hated cooking but then I grew up and lost control of my emotions and reactions and that sucked. 

One day I cooked injera and it was calming and exciting at the same time. And I finally found the best therapy a person could have. Cooking is healing for me.

The inception of this blog stems from my desire to share my love for cooking make it as therapeutic and beautiful an outlet for you as it is for me (And if I make money from this who am I to complain?

Through my posts, I aim to delve into the spices you need and how to get the best out of it, tantalizing recipes and in general just having absolute fun with cooking. I am sharing not just recipes but the stories and traditions that make Ethiopian cuisine a celebration of culture and taste.

My goal is to inspire fellow food enthusiasts, demystify Ethiopian cooking and foster a global culinary community. 

One of the defining moments in my Ethiopian culinary journey was when I first made Meser wot. It encapsulated the essence of why I’m so captivated by the intricate blend of flavors and cultures that define Ethiopian cuisine.

Beyond my culinary adventures, I find joy in reading, writing and coding which infuse my life with balance, creativity, and tranquility. Whether it’s experimenting with new ingredients or exploring different culinary techniques, my passion for Ethiopian cuisine extends beyond the kitchen.

So, join me on this gastronomic odyssey as we uncover the tantalizing tastes and stories that make Ethiopian cuisine a true feast for the senses. I can’t wait to share this flavorful journey with you!


Zahara Admasu.